Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day - for my uncle

Foxgloves in the Fool's Garden
I Erect My Drum

I erect my drum, I assemble my friends. Aya 
Here they find recreation, I make them sing. 
Thus we must go over There. Remember this. Be happy. Aya! 
Oh my friends! Ohuaya ohuaya!
Perhaps now with calm, and thus it must be over There? Aya!
Perhaps there is also calm 
There in the Bodyless Place? Aye! Ohuaya ohuaya! 
Let us go. 
But here the law of the flowers governs,
here the law of the song governs,
here on earth. Ehuaya!
Be happy, dress in finery, oh friends. Ohuaya ohuaya.
                                                        -- Hungry Coyote  from The Flower Songs of Hungry Coyote
                                                                                                translated by John Curl

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Birdfeeder

 Evening snack on the new SquirrelBuster

After a couple years of watching the squirrels sucking the seed, my expensive premium blend seed that is, I decided to try one of those "squirrel proof" feeders. This one is called the SquirrelBuster and it works by pulling the cage over the seed ports if a heavy animal like a big bird or squirrel gets on it. I'll let you know how it works out over the next couple of months.

I put it out yesterday and last evening a few adventurous birds checked it out.

The squirrel did too. He decided it looked too different from the previous feeder and so didn't even venture to get on it, although I could see him considering it from all angles - above, below and from the snap pea trellis just inches away.

I wonder how long it will take him to decide that the seeds on the ground just aren't enough.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Etsy find : Aloha Auto Lake Cushion from Ragadoos

It's almost Memorial Day and that means more time working or relaxing in the yard. Over the years we've indulged my chair addiction ( I always seem to need different chairs than I already have!) and we have lots of places all over the yard to engage our summer fancies - maybe eat a meal at the big table, lounge in various chaises, or read in the Adirondacks scattered about. And that means I need lots of outdoor cushions and pillows. Of course I already have lots of pillows - mostly the striped variety from Pottery Barn.

Have you noticed how outdoor fabrics have blossomed lately? Now you can get beautiful prints in many styles and colors - country, formal, modern etc.

But I just love these retro slipcovers from Ragadoos.

I realize this is hawaiian style, what with the surfboards and palm trees, but I grew nostalgic for the days when we kids would gather, a whole tribe of cousins, and enjoy Lake Antoine in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Somehow these outdoor cushions brought those memories sailing back.

These would look darling on the porch or patio, garden bench or anywhere you want a colorful and fun accessory. The slipcovers fit a 16 inch pillow.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

This cute creature is currently living in our backyard kitchen garden. yes, what a great place to live if you are a rabbit. He is very small - you could hold him in one hand.

We were delighted to see him for the first time on Easter. (I'm not kidding... it really was on easter!)

That was before he ate all the flowers off the cranesbill groundcover.

We still love him. But then he hasn't found the lettuce yet.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, 
One clover, and a bee, 
And revery. 
The revery alone will do, 
If bees are few.
–– Emily Dickinson